Video and audio of my PARC Forum “The Medium That Ate The World”
(Visited 23226 times)Feb 032006
Thanks to the kind offices of the folks at PARC!
I recommend the video, because you can see the slides, and there are some diagrams and stuff on those that I reference.
Errata: it’s actually 51% of the bracket 36-50. (That will make sense if you listen to the whole thing). And it’s Higinbotham with one G.
At some point, I’ll transcribe this and make it a page on the site…
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[…] Raph Kosters PARC Beitrag, "The Medium that ate the World" Raph Koster, Creative Director bei Sony Online Entertainment, hielt im Palo Alto Research Center einen Vortrag �ber MMORPGs unter dem Titel "The Medium that ate the World". Dieser steht jetzt mit fast 60 Minuten in voller L�nge als Streaming Video zum Download bereit. Er spricht darin vor allem generell �ber Computerspiele, ihren Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft und ihre Zukunft. […]
It keeps stoping for me like 46 minutes in. Is that how long it is? (the little bar on the bottom showed it to be longer)
That was happening for me too. Just move it on 30 seconds or so.
[…] It runs 54 minutes, you can grab the files at Raph’s blog. << Back to Main […]
[…] 26 Jan, RaphKoster at PARC 06 Feb, Hofstader talk Retrieved from “” […]
[…] Good presentations online I just love a good presentation. Something well thought through, well structured, well written, and well presented. I don’t see many such presentations (let alone deliver such presentations – though I aim to improve…), but came across a couple this weekend. Both of them are aimed at “non-gamer” audiences about the promise and future of the medium, but they are both thought provoking enough to warrant some time from gamers and game industry folkRaph Koster (always entertaining and a couple steps ahead of the rest of us) offers us a link to his talk on “The medium that ate my world”. Watch it with streaming video. Raph even acts a little when presenting, so it’s worth watching. If you’ve read A Theory of Fun, much of it is repeat, but worth watching anyway. If you haven’t read the book, this will likely incite you to go buy it.Alice points us to this presentation from Kim Plowright on what the future of ‘interactive fiction’ means to writers, among others. Thought provoking and with good speaker notes to boot. (Kim, we forgive you for the shoddy layout, the preso more than makes up for it 🙂 […]