The Case for First Life

 Posted by (Visited 8479 times)  Game talk
Jan 212007


  10 Responses to “The Case for First Life”

  1. would have forced me to bid 1, and if she had then won the lead. The net result would have been +6 for her and -5 for me. Unfortunately for her, the King of Diamonds was the trump-determining card, and I held the Ace of Diamonds in my hand. Via Raph

  2. […] Bloggers January 22, 2007 02:29 The Case for First Life Here. Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 01:18 Xenosaga Ep III: Also Sprach Zarathustra. Thanks to there being no MMOG’s out there currently worth my money, I finally got time to play and finish the final installment in Monolith’s Xenosaga trilogy. Story and backstory can be found at this link, warning spoiler! Not even going to attempt a summery of a story this insane myself heh. Basically a interactive movie […] Source: MMODIG – unbeliever Categories: Bloggers […]

  3. The best part is the “proceed and permission” letter in the comments at his blog.

  4. […] Raph Koster. Posted in tech | Trackback | | Top OfPage […]

  5. A classy act from both the parody maker and Linden Lab. I hope my t-shirt ships soon.

  6. I’ve done the free trial on this and I wasn’t too impressed. For one thing, the feature set varies widely depending on which server you end up in. For instance, as near as I can figure the “fornicate using your actual genitals” feature just plain isn’t supported on my server, and would require an expensive transfer to access. Most people I’ve encountered in it spend all their time grinding for cash. The wardrobe selection isn’t that good, and there isn’t a selection of body types to choose from either. Something so socially-based really ought to have a set of sliders like SWG or CoH.

    I think I’ll pass on this one for a while and see how it shapes up after a few patches.

  7. I’ve done the free trial on this and I wasn’t too impressed. For one thing, the feature set varies widely depending on which server you end up in. For instance, as near as I can figure the “fornicate using your actual genitals” feature just plain isn’t supported on my server, and would require an expensive transfer to access. Most people I’ve encountered in it spend all their time grinding for cash. The wardrobe selection isn’t that good, and there isn’t a selection of body types to choose from either. Something so socially-based really ought to have a set of sliders like SWG or CoH.

    I think I’ll pass on this one for a while and see how it shapes up after a few patches.

    Lol. You ain’t seen nothing yet, wait till you get to the end game 😉 The hard-coded avatar decay really suxx0rs.

  8. Dude you need to upgrade your account, it removes the hardcoded decay and
    upgrades your avatar to an android-biot. No decay, and a silicon based brain…unfortunately I go thru a lot of batteries and the government can read my mind!

    Also I just want you to know before you jack in to this server there are a lot of griefers here, lots of PVP and the factions are confusing, mudflation is pretty bad, and the virtual economy is really twisted.

    I will say that I admire whoever did the art assets here though, the sky and geography can be quite nice, and the weather algorithim kicks ass! 🙂

  9. Penny Arcade covered this one awhile ago:

    It’s good to see another non-subscription based game surviving so long without any major graphical updates.

  10. I’ve been logged into the New York server now for about 25 years and I have to say, I don’t play it as much due to all the crashes and lags. I’ve been counting like one crash a week here on death corner by the FDR drive, and have you been on the 34th St. bus lately? It takes like an hour just to go from like 3rd Avenue to the Port Authority, it’s ridiculous.

    Visibility is poor, too, I have my draw distance up to 512, I look out the window and it’s all grey squares.

    These try-me accounts really are annoying, too. They really draw on resources and hardly pay anything. They rez here at the airport and come in only for a day or two just for Broadway shows or 5-star restaurants and then they leave. I don’t know how the mayor can claim any retention rate. I would say only 10 percent of the people come here ever stay — that means 90 percent churn. In fact, while they claim they have 7 million memberships, in reality, a lot of the people actually are bridge-and-tunnel and live in New Jersey and don’t even come here to work every day especially if the PATH isn’t running. So it’s like all fake.

    I see a lot of people in camp chairs, just sitting or lying in cardboard boxes on Fifth Avenue with a cup out for spare change — don’t they realize they could be learning skills and creating stuff?

    What’s been really hard are these monthly tier payments. They keep going up, even though we actually have less square meters because we have more books and stuff out. I think they are trying to make this a game only for rich people and force us off the servers.

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