The registrations game

 Posted by (Visited 8246 times)  Game talk
Feb 202007

Wonderland is wondering about the 67 million figure for NCSoft customers that Robert Garriott gave out in a recent interview. In the comment thread, it comes out that this means registrations, total, ever.

In that case, it’s nice to put stuff in perspective; Sulka Haro from Sulake chimes in with a 70m figure for Habbo Hotel. Which makes the controversy over Second Life’s numbers seem like a tempest in a teapot…

  8 Responses to “The registrations game”

  1. 02/21 09:40 Grid Down for Maintenance Tomorrow (Feedster on: second life) 02/21 09:40 Augmented Virtual Reality (Feedster on: second life) 02/21 09:39 The registrations game (Feedster on: second life) 02/21 09:24 Going big? (Feedster on: second life) 02/21 09:24 Relay for Life moving (Whole life quote) ahead (Feedster on: second life) 02/21 09:18 Second Life – Pyramid Scheme?

  2. Chung. Unfortunately, as she puts it: “no mention of flying willies.” I guess you can’t have everything. That cover art is really something, though. Anybody know how to get my avatar to look that smooth? [IMG Businesslife] Speaking of Wonderland, Raph Koster (of Areae Inc.) ran an interesting comparison based off of Alice’s ponderings of NCSoft’s claims. A figure of 67 million was given as the number of NCSoft’s customers, although later comments clarified that this was a figure for total registrations.

  3. Hate to sound like a fanboi, but this is another thing Blizzard does well. Most of their statements regarding subscriber numbers have a nice little paragraph at the bottom describing exactly what they mean by a “subscription.”

    IMO the worst in this regard is SOE who just reports Station accounts so nobody really knows how many people are playing any given SOE game.

  4. I scream “MMOpopflation!”

    I blame Jeff Freeman for starting this current cycle!


  5. Ive had 25k peop0le look at our closed beta splash page, in fact I get 4 new applicants to the beta every day!!

    Unfortunately they are all bots, funny how those bots dont have any names…

  6. We’ve had several million characters created on Furcadia over the years. I would like my Businessweek and Wall Street Journal press coverage now. Thank you. (Please don’t tell them that many users create more than one character, and that others make a character, log on for 30 seconds, and then never play again.)

  7. You should look closer at those Blizzard tags, then, because they often include Beta accounts and lapsed accounts.

    Well, Dr Cat, you shoulda ran a ticker of how many people tried your game!

    …It worked for McDonald’s

    By the way, any thoughts about GDC?

  8. […] of Wonderland, Raph Koster (of Areae Inc.) ran an interesting comparison based off of Alice’s ponderings of […]

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