
 Posted by (Visited 5131 times)  Game talk
May 112007

The Forge ยท 40,000 Blowjobs – Real or Second Life

  4 Responses to “Uh”

  1. Raph Koster… A candidate running for a seat on the Belgian senate named Tania Derveaux is offering to give 40,000 blowjobs either in real life or in the virtual world, Second Life. Apparently, Ms. Derveaux represents the “Nee” Party

  2. LMFAO!

  3. Business as usual in SL, then.

  4. I want to move to Belgium. I want to move to Belgium! On the other hand, oral sex can cause throat cancer.

  5. So I had to sign up for one.

    “Thankyou for your interest in our Services. Due to the limited offer because of time restrictions, you may or may not be selected for the requested Services. If you are selected, you will receive an e-mail within one week to ask you for further personal information and coordinates so that we may contact you and arrange the meeting.

    The NEE team.”

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