How to donate for Peru earthquake victims

 Posted by (Visited 9164 times)  Misc
Aug 172007

International appeal:

In the U.S.:

In Peru: you can deposit money into the following bank accounts:

  • Banco de Crédito: 193-19999998-0-15 (in Soles) and 193-19999999-1-16 (dollars or other foreign currency).
  • The Peruvian Congress also established this one: Banco de Crédito Nº 193-1622366-0-34 (soles).
  • BBVA Banco Continental: 0011-0444-4444444444 (soles), 0011-0444-4444444446 (dollars), 0011-0444-4444444447 (euros).
  • Scotiabank: 0005074657 (soles), 0003022500 (dollars).
  • Interbank: 200-0000001119 (soles), 200-0000001118 (dollars).
  • There are, of course, a huge amount of things being done within Peru (blood drives, food drives, clothing drives, etc), but I figure, if you’re local enough to participate in those, you probably know about them already. Stuff’s being gathered at the National Stadium in Lima.

In Spain:

  • Bank deposits taken at La Caixa (Barcelona): 2100-0479-21-0200048852. For info, you can email [email protected] or call 93 265 07 20, 678 66 89 34 or 608 59 3656

In Mexico:

  • BBVA Banco Continental opened the account APOYAME-3(042769263-3) / Fundación BBVA Bancomer a.c.

In Colombia:

  • BBVA Banco Continental opened this account: Cuenta de ahorros No. 073 213 969 / BBVA Colombia.

In Canada:

  • You can deposit into the Peruvian General Consulate’s account in Toronto, Sismo Perú 2007 Account, # 06702 113 – 4329, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). Edit: received this from a person at the RBC: Raph – your reference to Peru Earthquake donations in Canada is inaccurate! Donations can ONLY currently be made at 1 branch in Toronto only – the Yonge and Bloor branch of RBC. It is NOT possible to donate at RBC branches across Canada. However, Canadians can donate to Red Cross or World Vision for earthquake relief.

For info on victims:

  • Within Peru there is a toll free line: 0-800-10828
  • For outside the country, use (511) 315-6600, ext. 2788
  • The Red Cross says, “Inquiries concerning U.S. citizens living or traveling in Peru are referred to the U.S. Department of State, Office of Overseas Citizens Services, at 1-888-407-4747 or 202 647-5225.”
  • In Spain, the city of Madrid has activated a free telephone line to call Peru, details here.

Latest news:

  • Aftershocks are still being felt, latest was 5.5
  • 17,000 homes destroyed
  • 85,000 people affected
  • Death toll is still fluctuating a lot, but is likely over 500.

Edit: from the other comment thread:

If you are like me, you may be wondering if there is anything we can do to help. Well, thanks to Saint Google, I found a few links that may interest you.

You may have seen the guys from Save the Children before (they like to bug you for subscriptions and donations when you are the busiest). Anyways, it turns out that they have created a relief fund for the quake disaster in Peru. Follow this link to help:

Ok, these guys are not seen on the streets asking for donations but they are pretty big too. I think they are kinda rivals with Save the Children. Here is the link:

Everybody knows them, right?
There is no direct fund for Peru, but they have an International response fund here:

Similar to the redcross link…this is also a generic page for donation (tho the title of the page says “Peru Earthquake Donations”

Pick anyone you like, or if you like something else go for it. The important thing here is that right now people in Ica need our help. So …let’s help :)

Oh, and feel free to forward this email to anyone you think will be interested too.

Best regards,

Giuseppe Robbiano

  10 Responses to “How to donate for Peru earthquake victims”

  1. Banco de Crédito: 193-19999998-0-15 (in Soles) and 193-19999999-1-16 (dollars or other foreign currency). The Peruvian Congress also established this one: Banco de Crédito Nº 193-1622366-0-34 (soles). … articulo continua en Raph

  2. : (Spanish) This is a online store for food and other supplies. They accept Visa credit cards and they prepared special packages for helping the victims of the earthquake.Here there is a post with much more information than mine: click here Please only make donations to organizations you trust.

  3. Please please pray for Maria, her family, and all other children and people in the stricken cities. If you would like to make donations to the Peru victims, you can go to this website:

  4. […] Edit: there is a new post here with lots of ways to donate to help out the victims. […]

  5. Good work, folks. Lets hope and pray things turn out as best as they can, under the trying circumstances. But if any of us ask God to help these people, I guess we need to do a little something too.

  6. In Brazil the embassy in Brasilia dn the consulates are receiving donations of foof, clothes, tents ,etc.
    In all embassies ofPeru around the world are now organizing the help to be sent to Peru all have bank accounts for this goal.

    Pleae advise in your website that all embassies and consulates that belongs to Peru in the whole world are receiving donations of food, clothes, shoes, tents any size, and toolks to build the new huses that will be build . THanks a lot in any peruvian embassy also is a bank account to receive financial help.and insome embassies peruvians are helping to receive donations I mean taking the things from people that want to donate some thing .. GOd will bless you in an unlimited way when you will need help this will come from anyway, because Jesus said give and it shall be giving to you …..

  7. Earthquake in Peru let’s help , showing Jesus Love .

  8. or are accepting donations for earthquake victims in Peru. Look at their projects to see how this foundation been helping the Peruvians.

  9. […] that posted how to donate to ppl in Peru that lost things and their houses due to the earthquake:…quake-victims/ Thanks allot for helping!! It really means a lot . Byeee! __________________ ViCtoria~ […]


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