VWs go to Washington

 Posted by (Visited 6545 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Nov 192008

As several game news sites are reporting, having connected the dots, virtual worlds are starting a new level of integration with Washington — with the naming of Susan Crawford and Kevin Werbach to lead Obama’s FCC transition team, there are now two knowledgeable denizens of the virtual world helping set some policy.

I first met Kevin at a social policy conference that was themed in part around virtual worlds; I first met Susan at State of Play, the wonderful legal conferences around VW issues. Both are associated with Terra Nova. Kevin is also a Tauren Shaman & a Night Elf Rogue, and Susan is a Second Lifer, plus she has me on her blogroll (hey now…!).

What will this mean for VWs and MMOs? Nothing right now, I am sure — net neutrality is sure to be a bigger issue. But it’s sure not going to hurt to have people who know the field in the governmental mix.

  3 Responses to “VWs go to Washington”

  1. I just popped an article up about this as well. Net Neutrality advocates? Interest in VWs? It is like I’ve died and gone to some geeky heaven, governmentally. 🙂

  2. […] kind of. According to Raph, Susan Crawford and Kevin Werbach are no strangers to virtual […]

  3. Raph-

    Thanks for the kind words.

    The nelf was a youthful indiscretion. I’ve played the shammy exclusively for the past two years. Resto ftw.



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