Original Theory of Fun & Grammar of Gameplay talks reposted
(Visited 8747 times)Dec 242008
The “Theory of Fun” website is down, caught between two webhosts, and has been for a while (with the book out of print, it hasn’t been a priority to sort out). But I keep getting requests for the materials that were hosted there and not here, so here they are.
- The PDF of the original AGC 2003 keynote and Serious Games Summit 2004 keynote, “A Theory of Fun.” This is the black and white cartoon one with the low-res, that turned into A Theory of Fun for Game Design, the book.
- The PDF of the GDC 2005 advanced design lecture “A Grammar of Gameplay,” which sort of kicked off the current wave of “game grammar” stuff. As you can see, Dan Cook’s diagrams are much prettier than mine. 😉 Just picture one of his atoms fitting inside one of the boxes I drew though.
- The PPT of the Training Fall 2005 keynote “Why Games Matter,” which is sort of rehashing ATOF for a non-game-developer audience.
2 Responses to “Original Theory of Fun & Grammar of Gameplay talks reposted”
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[…] Kosters Buch “Theory of Fun” ist zur Zeit nicht erreichbar. Das Material ist allerdings weiterhin verfügbar (The PDF of the original AGC 2003 keynote, The PDF of the GDC 2005 advanced design lecture “A […]
[…] Buy the book. Seriously. But before you go any further spend five minutes reading the presentation that inspired it, which you can get here on his blog. […]