Chat between Metaplace and Second Life
(Visited 8910 times)As the news has hit a few blogs in the last couple of days (New World Notes & DIP’s Dispatches from the Information Age), I thought I might as well elaborate a bit on something cool that has been going on in Metaplace lately. We’ve had a fair amount of Second Life users coming in lately, and one of the things that is much on their minds is interoperability.
In short, we have had not one but two users make real-time bridges to SL chat lately. The first was by KStarfire, who used Metaplace’s ability to act as a web server to create a simple object-based chat bridge. I asked him a few questions about it:
How does your bridge work?
It connects to SL using MP as the server. SL sends an HTTP request from an object there…which stores the text. The SL receiver just keeps querying the MP side for updated text every few seconds. Not ideal obvioulsy, but we just wanted to see if we could do it 🙂
So how would a user get ahold of it and use it?
Right now the MP side is on the marketplace. i need to clean up the SL object side of things.. and ethier sell it there ethier in stores or via private trade 🙂
Why did you want to do it?
*laughs* Tach said… hey your in SL right? and i said… yeah.. and he said.. want to help me with something 🙂 besides… considering how much time i spend on MP.. havinga link to my friends in SL would be a nice thing 🙂
This actually happened a little bit ago, but we kind of kept it quiet, even though I believe there’s an upcoming event that plans to use the bridge for a two-world event.
But then along came Miki, who did something somewhat more complex — inserting a LAMP stack between Metaplace and Second Life, which now allows for remote control of objects in SL.
“This was my first tryout of the scripting language in Metaplace, my ‘Hello world’ app,” Ms. Gymnast tells me grinning. As first reported by Dispatches from the Imagination Age, what Miki Gymnast eventually made is a major milestone in interoperability between virtual worlds: a communication channel between Metaplace and Second Life. “There are lots of SL’ers at Metaplace,” she says simply, “so it was obvious to make a bridge for them.”
…This is possible with a very clever hack that uses PHP scripts/MYSQL database on Miki’s server for data processing. “So the messages goes via http from Metaplace to PHP/mysql to SL (via XML-RPC push or http pull if Second Life’s RPC server is down) and then back, also via PHP,” she explains. “There is actually no way to make such complex stuff with direct connects between Metaplace and Second Life.” (More technical details courtesy of Miki after the break.)
— from the NWN article
What sort of complex stuff?
• Sending text messages from MP to every SL user in realtime.
• Real-time text chat with every SL user wearing the communicator HUD.
• Sending SL-objects to every SL user in realtime, triggered in MP.
• Object manipulation of SL objects, triggered in MP.
• Online detection of SL-users, displayed in MP.
• Banning avatars from SL-parcels, triggered in MP.
The SL-user can be everywhere in SL. The MP user must be in Mikis_World.
I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that making such complex stuff in Metaplace is easy. Remote controlling an object from outside is not hard at all for a Metaplace world. After all, every object has a URL, and every object can interact with Web APIs as well… you get the idea, there’s a lot of possibilities there.
I have been sour on “virtual worlds standards” for a while, because it seems to me that trying to force all virtual worlds into a single mold at this stage of their development is a mistake, and pretty much all the VW “standards” efforts have tended to have too narrow a conception of the medium for my tastes.
But standards for bridging data — well, that’s easy and obvious! 🙂 And most obviously, using the standards the web already has is the easiest way.
8 Responses to “Chat between Metaplace and Second Life”
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[…] bookmarks tagged website Raph’s Website » Chat between Metaplace and Sec… saved by 4 others Timberwolf220 bookmarked on 04/09/09 | […]
I just have to state… That is frickin’ cool, heh.
Easy should be qualified there, easy for people who know what they’re doing 🙂 I’d be totally lost, for sure.
Standards are something that really develops organically, aren’t they?
In Second Life everybody knows what a Poseball is, but there’s no such thing in the Second Life interface. The idea of poseballs on objects is entirely a player construct. They show you a point where there is an animation you can ‘sit on’ and that could be anything from a chair to a dancefloor. It’s just a sphere stuck in mid-air next to the object that goes invisible when someone sits on it. Entirely a player creation that took off and became standard.
There are people in SL now who don’t know that Poseballs aren’t part of the SL interface, or understand how they work. But, it’s easy for someone to tell them what to do, and they can do it too!
As for Metaplace, yeah… You guys are probably going to end up with user-generated standards as well. Just looking at it. If people have to depend on the Metaplace staff, things are going to progress too slowly. People are going to want this feature or that feature, and you guys will be too busy trying to keep the whole thing stable to create any new features.
Again in Second Life, they never upgraded the terrible animations built into the interface because players developed a great workaround once they could make their own, and they’re too busy just keeping the thing running.
this is so cool! I love multi-world communications. Soon it will just beam the text messages straight to my cerebral cortex.
[…] Raph noted on his blog, a recent influx of Second Life residents to Metaplace has also led to interesting developments in […]
I’ve spent the last couple of days integrating my videos and songs into various pages from various services including Vivaty’s Facebook VR. The smoothness of this has been nothing short of incredible. Drop the Reverbnation gadgets on my blog pages, push my songs and videos into the Vivaty objects, use Facebook to announce and drop a few URLs in other places. It all just works.
Bands that don’t build one of the Vivaty worlds or Second Life worlds are just not getting it. The uses for us are right there with more to come as we work with the providers to get them to understand how artist worlds and promotional worlds can help.
Vivaty got a good turnout for the Rascal Flatts world. I like the Vivaty because it blends into Facebook and that is where I need it to work. For once, X3D or VRML have little to do with it since I’m there as a musician using the drag and drop and blending the service-hosted content into their pages and worlds.
This stuff just gets cooler by the day.