17th wedding anniversary
(Visited 14808 times)May 102009
Today is Mother’s Day here in the US, and also our 17th anniversary. It was Mother’s Day 17 years ago too!
Happy Anniversary, Kristen! I love you!
5 Responses to “17th wedding anniversary”
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I was MEANT to be born on my father’s birthday (today), but my mother ended up being in labour for about 48 hours… so it’s my birthday tomorrow, instead! Almost the best birthday present ever…
Good luck making it to your 25th anniversary (I understand that’s the first of the ‘ooh, pretty gifts’ anniversaries). Incidentally, that’s how old I will be tomorrow!
Happy anniversary. Congratulations.
Kristen’s one of the unsung heroes of MMO design 🙂 Congratulations to you both, and many happy returns!
Hurrah! Eunice and I got married Saturday May 9th!