Alice and Kev: homelessness in Sims 3

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Jun 172009

Alice and Kev is a marvelously well-written story in blog form documenting the lives of two Sims who are homeless: Kev, a father who suffers from mental illness (and who is also a jerk), and his daughter Alice, who is a good person but also rather unlucky.

It’s rather amazing to read, and the screenshots really make it. Go check it out.

  5 Responses to “Alice and Kev: homelessness in Sims 3”

  1. Thanks, Raph!

  2. People like doing that kind of things. I guess why games don’t think about a “film mode” with some helping utilities. Games like Morrowind or Gothic, or online games (Warcraft and Lineage) have lots of fans doing little films.

  3. […] bunch of blogs have posted a link to a great story of Alice & Kev, two down and out characters from […]

  4. […] Sims: A good example of using the sandbox I saw this excellent use of The Sims 3 thanks to Raph Koster’s blog. Great writing and use of screen shots, and certainly shows the depth a sandbox game can go if […]

  5. Perhaps the most notable thing is the content of the comments. There are clearly many people who wholeheartedly believe that a game is a completely unacceptable medium for doing this sort of thing, presumably due to the connotations of games being purely for ‘fun’, meaning any serious topic must be considered a parody. If someone had written a short story with the same characters, would the reactions have been as strong?

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