Deterding does philosophy
(Visited 10392 times)Jun 142011
Sebastian Deterding has posted another spectacular presentation on gamification, but really on much more: the reasons why to make games, a great deconstruction of how they function from a social point of view, a lot of insights on game design in general… all in all, really wonderful.
4 Responses to “Deterding does philosophy”
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[…] tip to Raph Koster (@raphkoster) via twitter, and now following Sebastian Deterding (@dingstweets) […]
In 20 years the generation brought up on “web slide shows” will eventually make claims that “web slide shows” can save the world.
Reality is broken, Slide shows make life better/;)
“Games are the only force in the known universe that can get people to take actions against their self-interest, in a predictable way, without using force.”
…really? You haven’t been watching politics at ALL, have you?
Or religion. We’ve been having a discussion over at on that topic. This slideshow is a very good off-the-grid resource to bring to that topic.
The ‘reality is broken’ notion is oversold but typical McG. On the other hand, this is a provocative presentation for any student of applying interactive systems to behavioral semiotic tasks. Control their choice of choices and you can quite effectively control them insofar as shaping enables limited control. Unless of course, they choose not to choose. Not new news. Still when one looks at this in context of Bartle’s theses about creating games as inventing religion and correlating it with behavioral modification and marketing symbol sets, it’s on target. Good job.