Video of my Casual Connect talk

 Posted by (Visited 9878 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Aug 252011

Some of you have already stumbled across this, so I figured I had better post about it! This is the video for the talk I gave at Casual Connect Seattle 2011. Slides were already posted on the blog here.

  3 Responses to “Video of my Casual Connect talk”

  1. Wow. You, sir, know your stuff.

    (Plus, actually it really does help hearing the expanding on the slide bullets, and the specific emphasis and nuance you give certain things. Thanks for posting it!)

  2. As usual a very solid presentation. Thanks.

  3. I’ve been following your blog for the last 6 years. At the beginning of those 6 years, I was 19 years old with a dream of being a game designer. I was looking for great books to read on the topic.

    In the present, I’ve found myself employed as a designer at a studio making social games for mobile devices. My personal background, however, comes from MUDs, MMOs, forums, and games as services. I find it kind of painful to experience the lack of understanding and “just do what Zynga’s doing, that works, right?” mentality. Especially when Zynga still has so much that they can improve on.

    It’s helpful to see other people going through this adjustment and talking about the things social needs to learn. You mask it well, but there’s obviously a lot of “Wow, you guys don’t get this yet, do you?” and that helps me feel less alone :). Should help me power through the Tuesday workload! Thanks Raph.


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