80 gallon
I try to make it a habit to take pictures of the fish tank every few months. This is a collection of the pictures. Oldest are on top.
February 2012
Check out the tiny anubias nana there.
April 2012
December 2012
A gallery of the fish. Mostly shots of the clown loaches and the rosy barbs.
January 2013
October 2013
Clown loach is getting big!
November 2013
Some clown loach portraits:
December 2013
Not sure what’s up with the color here.
Some of the inhabitants at this point:
- Diamond tetra and SAEs
- Cory
- Rosy barbs
- Diamon tetras
- Rosy barb
- Rosy barb
January 2014
I was being good about fertilizer dosing in this period. Moved the driftwood on top of the cave on the left. Built a new cave on the right and took out the fake hollow log (loaches would get trapped in it and die!). Note the small size of the anubias stuck to the back glass.
The microsword in the front was an experiment at carpeting. Didn’t take.
Water Sprite is getting huge. You can’t just trim it back — it grows a longer leaf every time it puts out a new one, and never goes backwards. The giant crypt was thriving for a while, and then started to slowly melt away. It never recovered. I moved a couple of Amazon swords over from the small tank and gave the big one the central position.
March 2014
June 2014
Took out the water sprite. It was two feet long. I tried some wisteria instead, plsu the willow hygro.
August 2014
September 2014
The pleco has been nibbling at the Amazon Swords and completely ate the hygro in the corner. I put all the wisteria in our little barrel fountain on the patio (its stays alive just fine in there). The anubias on the glass is getting huge. From this period on it flowers regularly if the tank levels get low.
November 2015
The Willow Hygro is taking over, it’s madness. Check out how the anubias nana has spread… I added some crypt lutea and wendtii. Added some Siamese Algae Eaters.
December 2015
The Swords died finally. I rehomed the pleco. I cut the willow hygro and replanted the stems.
January 2016
Moved over a bunch of plants and fish from the smaller tank, which was stripped down and redone. This means a lot more crypts were put in the foreground. A few more anubias (the one from the other tank was big enough to split). Added a Brazilian Moneywort. Shortly after this I moved that giant anubias down because it was shading too much of the tank.
February 2016
I rehomed the clown loaches, the new smaller pleco — he was the wrong kind — and the SAE’s, who were full grown. All of these were five to six inches or more, and were getting to be destructive to the plants. Instead, I continue to build up the shoal of neons, in favor of having more and smaller fish.
New tank additions to replace the departures: six chain loaches (dwarf loaches, sidthimunki), and four more small SAEs, and a very small bushynose pleco.
- The former clown loach cave; cryptocorynes, java fern, anubias, ozelot sword, and a curtain of willow hygro behind it all
- A pair of sidthimunki chain loaches
- Two diamond tetra males and a female rosy barb
- Close up of a very juvenile bushynose pleco
- the neon school, schooling
- Chain loach by some crytocorynes and a very large anubias nana
May 2016
July 2016
Willow hygro gone mad!
August 2016
Uprooted a bunch of the willow hygro to thin it out.
September 2016
Switched lighting to Finnex 24/7’s. Got two of them in order to provide enough PAR all the way to the bottom.
November 2016
A bunch of willow hygro is floating on the left.
December 2016
The willow hygro is taking over… time for a trim! The water sprite in the back left is also doing very well. I added a Koralia pump I got for Christmas in order to add current to the tank, since plant mass was so thick that there were a lot of dead spots.