Welcome to Raph Koster's personal website: MMOs, gaming, writing, art, music, books.
Welcome to Raph Koster's personal website: MMOs, gaming, writing, art, music, books.

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Raph's Website

These are full-blown essays, papers, and articles.

Slideshows and presentation materials from conferences.

Interviews and Panels
Reprints of non-game-specific interviews, and transcripts of panels and roundtables.

Excerpts from blog, newsgroup, and forum posts.

The "Laws of Online World Design" in various forms.

A timeline of developments in online worlds.

A Theory of Fun for Game Design
My book on why games matter and what fun is.

Insubstantial Pageants
A book I started and never finished outlining the basics of online world design.

Links to resources on online world design.


Note: All the presentations have recently moved over to their own page, so if you are looking for a talk that I gave, that's the place to look.

* A Story About a Tree
A story about why online games are not just games. This essay has been widely reprinted.

* What Rough Beast?
The role of the Other, evil, and ethics systems in an online game.

* Who Are These People Anyway?
A discussion of how player types affect an online community.

* Let's Get Practical
Administrative issues in online worlds.

* The Man Behind the Curtain
Governance in an online world: can players do it?

* A Community Cookbook
Things you can do to make your online community stronger.

* Current and Future Developments in Online Games
This was the opening address I was going to give at Online Games '99.

* Video Games, and Online Worlds, as Art
Can they be art? If they are art, how do we critique them? Also reprinted at GIGNews.com.

* Declaring the Rights of Players
A hypothetical excursion into the notion of avatar rights that leads to surprising conclusions.

* What My Job Is
This essay was my Comments from the Team essay for the SWG website. (I suppose I'm probably not supposed to reproduce it here, oh well). Basically, it's a description of how I got into muds at first, and what I see as the task a designer of an online world primarily has to fulfill.

* The Case for Art
An essay written in rebuttal to Jessica Mulligan's Biting the Hand article entitled Just Give Me a Game, Please.

* A Philosophical Statement on Playerkilling
Originally written for the discussion boards for Star Wars Galaxies, this essay sums up my current position on the playerkilling debate.

* Words of Wisdom - What it Takes to be a Junior/Entry Game Designer
Answers to a brief questionnaire written for the IGDA.

* Whither Online?
Game Informer Magazine asked me to write an opinion piece a while back, and this is what I wrote. I can't remember what issue it appeared in, but it was sometime in 2005.

* Geek Fun Isn't Frivolous
This appeared as an Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Times. The title is not mine, however!

Child's Play

A Theory of Fun
for Game Design

Cover of A Theory of Fun



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