Games as Art

 Posted by (Visited 9409 times)  Game talk, Music, Writing  Tagged with: ,
May 301999

The essay on Video games, or online worlds, as art is finally up. You can find it under Gaming/Misc Writings. I’ve already started wondering in my head what snippet the VaultNetwork will excerpt, since they seem to visit this site with disturbing regularity. 🙂

(Guys, I suggest paragraph four)…

For those few of you who visit because of the music section– I am in the studio! I’ve got a CD’s worth of basic tracks recorded now, and will be doing overdubs over the next few weeks. I hope to get some friends of mine in. The material ranges from fingerstyle instrumentals to blues and folk rock, with basic tracks done “live in the studio.” Stretch Williams is producing. Once it’s done, I’ll see about putting up MP3s on the website. I’m pretty excited, and it’s made a great break from just doing game design all day.

Recent News

 Posted by (Visited 7679 times)  Misc  Tagged with: , , ,
May 081999

Brief aside:

Sometimes having a website can be a bit disturbing.

To wit, recently I was asked permission by someone affiliated with a UO fan site to have images and material from this site used in Windows wallpaper. About me. For public distribution.

Scary. Not sure I have much more to say about that, other than it made me rather uncomfortable and I asked that the wallpaper not be distributed…

I’ve reproduced a recent interview on online community building that I did for the VaultNetwork, with their kind permission.

Along the lines of the above, the blurb at IGN.PC said it was an interview with “one of the legends of online game design.” Eep. Do those guys happen to be affiliated with the above UO site? Anyway, the interview is under Gaming/Interviews.

Haven’t written the essay on “computer games as art” yet. Bruce Sterling was encouraging me to do it at the museum talk, and then Littleton happened, and a whole slew of new issues arose that I wanted to talk about involving censorship of games and social responsibility in their design… so who knows when I’ll write anything about it. There’s enough commentary about Littleton without adding my two cents.

Lastly, my wife Kristen has posted a whole bunch of new pictures of our kids, you can reach them thru the Bio section.

Virtual Words Presentation

 Posted by (Visited 8015 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Apr 201999

I’m giving a presentation entitled Virtual Worlds: A Live Interactive Presentation as part of a monthly series of programs organized by the Austin Museum of Art. It will be taking place at On the Avenue (823 Congress Ave) this Thursday, April 22nd, at 6pm. You need tickets, but I don’t know the details of this or if it is patrons only or what.

This does mean I will miss the regular UO House of Commons chat! 🙁 I will also see about putting up an essay form of what I’ll be talking about (“computer games as art” anyone?)


 Posted by (Visited 12552 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , ,
Mar 261999

GDC went great, loads of fun. Lots of attendance at the various online game sessions, including the ones I ran. I picked up several new laws from Jonathan Baron which are now on the Laws page, and I spent a lot of time hanging out with the guys who are doing Asheron’s Call. Also added a few laws of my own to the page.

More GDC Info

 Posted by (Visited 11006 times)  Game talk, Writing  Tagged with: , , ,
Mar 131999

Realized that I dropped the info on the GDC presentation, so here it is again: at GDC I will be running a roundtable with Rich Vogel (producer of UO, former producer for Might & Magic Online and Meridian 59) on the “Laws of Massively Multiplayer Online Worlds.”

The roundtable will be run during Classic GDC, on Wednesday & Thursday at 10am, and on Friday at 11:30am.

I’ve added a new Misc Writing under the gaming section, dealing with the phenomenon of selling virtual property for real money.