Small Worlds now posted

 Posted by (Visited 11956 times)  Game talk
Mar 072003

This is just a very quick update. The Small Worlds talk from GDC 2003 is now online in the Gaming/Essays section. This is an expanded version that includes many more conclusions and bits of concrete advice.

My name is on the cover of Jessica Mulligan and Bridgette Patrovsky’s new book–I wrote the foreword, and it also includes a hunk of the Online Worlds Timeline. Expect to see a chunk of material from this website in the upcoming Ernest Adams design book as well.

DICE was fun. Supposedly I will be interviewed on G4 at some point in their news program. I have no idea when, though. Let me know if you have a better idea than I do!

I’ve been cited in a couple of places lately. I’ve also heard that Timothy Burke over at Swarthmore is using this website as assigned reading in one of his classes. Yikes.

I have a lot of materials to put up from the last six months (and more) that I have been neglecting the site, but I don’t have time just now…