A Theory of Fun website launched!
(Visited 10940 times)Well, I’ve gotten a web host, I’ve gotten a domain name, and I am halfway through making the website. The old-fashioned way: coding HTML by hand. Horrible, isn’t it? But at least it’s forcing me to keep it simple!
I sent a copy of the manuscript to Cory Doctorow, he of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, and of course, BoingBoing. He said some very nice things about it on the blog, and BAM! the book pre-sales rank on Amazon went from somewhere in the vicinity of 2,844,936th to somewhere in the 400’s. It’s slipping back down now, but that’s made me catch the promotion bug!
I am going to try to keep this blog updated semi-regularly with status of the book, emails or reviews or whatever that get written about it, and maybe that way those who are interested can follow the progress of the book from final edits through to when they get it in their hands.
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fantasy element, not something you can wander down the road a ways to see. [IMG ;)] You don’t need to have been exposed to all of them. As long as you’ve been exposed to enough of these tales, you already have a solid foundation. To paraphraseRaph(and I’ll apologize in advance for mangling the concept) one part of Fun is the idea of building on things that we already know, by learning more about them and being rewarded for it. In most of us, there