AToF website updated, a crass cash-in
(Visited 12597 times)Today I got my author copies in the mail. They look wonderful. I can’t wait until the book gets cruelly savaged on the Net. 🙂 Those of you who pre-ordered, I am told that the books will show up as shipping as soon as they get from the printer to the various booksellers. It should be in the next couple of days!
I spent a very nice couple of hours with William Huber during an abortive visit to UCSD. We discussed a lot of the material that the book covers… I believe I will be heading back to visit with Natalie Jeremijenko and her class and other faculty there sometime next week.
Gamasutra is excerpting a chapter from the book on their website starting on Dec. 3rd… I am also giving a version of the original presentation as part of the Serious Games Summit day at the Game Developers Conference 2005.
As you may have noticed, the website has been updated. Among the changes: there’s a Resources link now with ways to get every book, game, bit of music, and piece of artwork mentioned in the book. Think of it as an interactive bibliography. The press quotes have been moved to their own page along with the press release for the book. Lastly, the excerpts have been improved with Will’s foreword, a few of the cartoons, and a sample of the endnotes that accompany chapter one. The Stuff link is also now fairly populated. I’ve successfully ordered a few penguin t-shirts and mugs of the cartoons, so if you’re tickled by the artwork, there’s the crass cash-in for you.
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