GDC round-up
(Visited 12299 times)I am back from GDC. And I bear with me THE CRUD. THE CRUD has also infected multiple members of
my family. THE CRUD is to be feared. I heartily recommend running in the opposite direction should
it seek to make your acquaintance.
Because of THE CRUD I have had to turn down a lovely opportunity to speak at ETECH this year on
serious games, A Theory of Fun, and whatever else might have fit into the 45 minutes. This
sort of sucks, as ever year I see ETECH happen in San Diego and I never get to go.
I have many many stories from GDC. Alas, THE CRUD prevents me from actually relating any of them. The
talks related to the book seemed to go well, though I think there are significantly more mixed reactions
to A Grammar of Gameplay than there were to the keynote for Serious Games, which was basically the familiar old AToF presentation again.
Nonetheless, there was a lot of coverage. Witness:
Theory of Fun keynote:
- Alice’s mad transcription that led to most of the coverage below.
- Josh Rubin’s detailed summary
- A summary of the Serious Games Summit
I like the comment: “If you’re a
gamerhuman, then there’s a transcript… I emplore you to read it.” - I got Scobleized!!
- The Game Blog says “an excellent read”
- Someone on LiveJournal says “long, but fascinating read”
- “Keynote of the week” says Ryan
- Salon blogged it…
- The Hobbit Hole takes notice
- Ludonauts MISSED IT. Again.
- TerraNova (in the person of Cory) quibbles
- A lengthy summary from GameDev.Net
- Game News Blog says “sing it, brotha”
- Joystiq claims the speech is “like a shot of caffeine.” There is, however, a really bizarre discussion following.
- This blog somehow relates the talk to Sabrina. The movie. And not even the Audrey Hepburn one.
- Kotaku says “Go read it and then impress your friends with how brainy you are about video games.”
- BoingBoinged…
- Grown Up Gamer says “If I die tommorow and can’t post any more things in this blog, at least I will have linked to this keynote address.” I love you too. 🙂
- And another blog…
- Alice’s mad transcription
- The Listless Lawyer says “Pac-man gets horribly abused in the middle of the speech, but Koster makes some interesting points anyway”
- Blistered Avalon claims “It’s absolutely brilliant”
- Gamasutra’s Postcard summary
- Peter Butler over at
- Idle Thumbs (scroll down a bit)
- A podcast about the session
- Dave Rickey’s take
Instanced vs Persistent panel:
- Zen of Design, aka Damion Schubert, discussing the panel
- Richard Bartle starts us off over at TerraNova
Grammar of Gameplay:
- Psychochild says “best non-keynote talk I saw”
- TerraNova’s discussion
- Dave Rickey’s debate with them
- Frans Mayra’s summary
- Laundry Sessions’ take
Enough for now, this pesky fever won’t let me stare at a screen for very long…
Oh, before I forget: I did a signing at the bookstore, and we sold out there. 🙂 And I am supposed to speak at SUPERNOVA (but I need to dig up the link). And I have posted the slides for A Grammar of Gameplay.
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