Apr 202005

I just returned from China and Taiwan. All too brief a trip. To my dismay, I find that apparently, even Microsoft has read the book!

Today I got word from Keith, the publisher, that the book will be translated into both Japanese and Korean, for publication in those respective countries. Exciting news! The book does seem to be going international–I’ve been asked to speak in Finland and Tokyo this year. I’ve found book reviews in Hungarian. It even seems to be selling well and getting good reviews on Amazon.co.uk.

French attack!

 Posted by (Visited 6884 times)  Game talk, Writing
Apr 072005

Looks like today, the site has been invaded by the French! Among the discussions of the book and the related presentations, we find:

  • Piqué aux jeux which mostly describes Will’s Spore, but which spares a paragraph near the end to talk about the Grammar of Gameplay presentation.
  • Some discussion over at the Gaia guild’s forum, which seems to drift into a discussion about videogames taking up time versus TV.

    Both quote phrases from the book in French–somehow, they sound much nicer.

    «Un jeux ne pourra pas être une oeuvre d’art tant que les jeux n’auront qu’une solution.»

    «Le fossé entre ceux qui veulent que les jeux amusent et ceux qui veulent que les jeux soient un art… n’existe pas.»

    Board Game Geek has also been discussing “A Grammar of Gameplay.” By and large, the geeks like it, which is nice. They’re a tough crowd. 🙂

    A mini-review of AToF has popped up on the Learning Circuits blog. This is the blog for the American Society for Training and Development. I was surprised to see the very positive reception the book has gotten among the e-learning crowd. I’ve been asked to speak at MIT, at various e-learning conferences, at conferences on training, and so on.

    On Sunday, there’s a game design brunch up in LA which is spending the day discussing game design atoms. The list of folks coming is impressive–I hope to make it.

    I’ve added a bunch of reviews from folks like Dan Arey of Naughty Dog, and Dave Sirlin of Backbone to the Press page.