Game Informer review

 Posted by (Visited 5779 times)  Game talk, Writing
Oct 032005

CSSW1 is done, and next I will be off to Web 2.0. While I was at CSSW (which was a lot of fun, by the way), I got word that Game Informer did a review of the book. Short but sweet, you can see it to the left.

While at Indiana University, I learned that Thom Gillespie there has been using the book in his classes. One of these days, it’d be nice to get a list of all the schools that are using it as a textbook…

I’m pretty exhausted from travel already, and it’s barely started. Otherwise, I’d spend more time coming up
with a blog entry. 😛

  One Response to “Game Informer review”

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  2. Bartle?s 5 most important folks in virtual worlds [IMG] Posted by Raph’s Website [HTML][XML][PERM] on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:12:38 +0000

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