Training Fall

 Posted by (Visited 6963 times)  Writing
Oct 192005

First slide of I did the Training Fall 2005 keynote yesterday. Getting to Long Beach was a nightmare–the rain was torrential at times, and traffic moved incredibly slowly, even when I took the toll road. I had allotted 3 hours to get there, but I barely made it. As I drive around trying to find parking for the convention center, it’s already 10am, and the talk was starting at 10:30. I was supposed to already be in the hall doing a sound check! I ended up having to pay $20 for a $5 parking spot because I didn’t have any smaller bills on me, and I snuck into the conference through the loading dock, thanks to a helpful maintenance guy and an understanding security guard.

But in the end, it went swimmingly, and my hosts were incredibly gracious. The presentation is now hosted on the AToF site. Enjoy!

Next stop, the Austin Game Conference next week…

Dr. Richard Bartle, First Penguin of online worlds, has written a very flattering review–it’s up on the Press page.

Almost forgot–the second printing of the book is out. It has a bunch of reader reactions in the back, plus the two factual errors that have been found (Mussorgsky/Ravel and Deathrace 2000) have both been fixed.

  2 Responses to “Training Fall”

  1. Blogroll Joel on Software Raph Koster Sunny Walker Thoughts for Now Sex, Lies and Advertising

  2. […] Paraglyph Press is telling me that A Theory of Fun for Game Design may be going back for a third printing soon. In the second printing, we corrected a few errors and added in reader reactions at the back. I haven’t heard of any further errors in the book, so I figured, why not open-source the task of finding them? […]

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