IGN/GameSpy Live
(Visited 5650 times)I forgot–I was at this event today. I was on a panel with Brad McQuaid of Sigil and a fellow whom I hadn’t met before, from the new NCSoft Orange County office. John Keefer moderated.
We spoke about the usual stuff: will MMOs come to consoles, will the grind go away, what about user-created content. We were all in vehement agreement on everything (Brad even said that if a game is designed for RMT, that’s OK), so I fear the panel may have been a little dull.
Fortunately, perennial rabble-rousers Tommy Tallarico and Mark Rein were both there. They kept the crowd entertained. Becky-the-Star-Wars-Galaxies-belly-dancer was there too, and she hated it when I introduced her that way to people.
(Once, at E3, when she was working for Mythic, she started doing the Exotic dances from SWG in the middle of the Mythic booth; she was a Master Dancer, you see).
(No, I can’t let her ever live that down).
Alas, Becky and Tommy tell me that more people need to buy tickets to the Video Games Live shows… the one in San Diego may go away. Again. Which would suck, because I skipped the Hollywood Bowl one expecting to go to the SD show!
The show itself was like a small E3, but for gamers rather than press. My favorite booth: the Intellivision Lives! one. I was tempted to buy the 6-pack of pin-on buttons with old-skool graphics on them.
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