Welcome to the new website…

 Posted by (Visited 7996 times)  Misc
Oct 232005

Yep, I’ve got my own domain. It only took ten years or so…

Anyway, I’ll be moving over all the content from the LegendMUD site eventually… But for now it’s still all over there. Hopefully, when we move it all, we’ll be able to redirect every page to the right place, but given how big the site is, I can’t make any guarantees…

Keep an eye on this space for the official opening. It’ll be… well, whenever we actually finish. 🙂

  5 Responses to “Welcome to the new website…”

  1. Blogroll Joel on Software Raph Koster Sunny Walker Thoughts for Now Sex, Lies and Advertising

  2. Great looking site and very informative. I’ve bookmarked it and shall keep checking back.

  3. I’m sorry but your fist stalker will have to be me 🙂

    Welcome among us bloggers, even if you were here before us.

  4. Looks like you came in second, Abalieno!

    I’ve got it set so that first-time comments require approval, but you guys shouldn’t need to wait for approval from now on.

  5. Me likes it, I really do. *scours for brain stems*

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