Pondering Caillois

 Posted by (Visited 21162 times)  Game talk
Oct 292005

Discussions continue over at Only a Game. Several good points are raised, most of which I’ll save for a comment over there, but there’s a bit on Roger Caillois’ terminology and how it applies that it feels like it deserves a broader sort of discussion.

Similarly, what exactly does one learn playing a game of pure alea, or from the aleatory elements of most tabletop RPGs? Not to mention games of ilinx, especially those closer to paidia than ludus…

If you haven’t read the book, it’s probably not clear that when I say “learning” I mean it in a broad cognitive sense of “building patterns, chunks, and schemata.” This cuts across the categories defined by Caillois, in my opinion.

To crudely summarize his model:

  • agon means games about competition
  • alea means games about chance
  • ilinx means games about vertigo
  • mimicry means games about, well, mimicry

In addition, there’s a spectrum from ludus to paidia, which basically means from structures game to freeform play.

Now, there’s a lot of immediate comments that spring to mind there, many of which can only really be addressed if I go back and reread his work. Suffice it to say that in my opinion,

  • chance is a mechanic
  • vertigo is an effect
  • competition in my atomic model is less than a mechanic; it’s a subatomic element that all game atoms make use of
  • mimicry is an objective

and all of them can and do involve the core issue of mastering a problem space.

It’s interesting, of course, to see how this overlaps with Lazzaro’s types of fun, since vertigo maps to altered states in her model, and arguably competition is all of the rest of them. As you know if you read the book, I tend to regard only “hard fun” as the core of games, since the other types are to my mind best understood as mapping to different cognitive processes and are generally found in combination with forms of schemata-building that could be classified as hard fun.

I also differ with Caillois in that I tend to believe that paidia activities generally have MORE rules, not less; the spectrum there is essentially about how descriptive the game is of its own ruleset (to use the Zimmerman/Salen approach to describing it). Paidia generally “imports” rulesets derived from a vast array of cultural assumptions, whereas ludus games are ones that have been tightly defined down (and which nonetheless have an assortment of rules that are implied but not stated that are part of the cultural practice of game playing).

A game of freeform roleplay (a paidia-mimicry game) is, to my mind, an incredibly difficult challenge involving the learning of and successful navigation of an enormous variety of rules that are no less strict for being unspoken. Often, it’s a process of defining the rules in accordance with cultural assumptions as you go.

Which leads me to say that not only do most paidia games trend towards ludus games as we build mental models of them, but that the true meaning of that spectrum is how many rules have been codified, and not whether or not they exist. Our lives are constantly circumscribed by rules; paidia games are about learning what they are and modeling them.

Melancholy Baby

 Posted by (Visited 8026 times)  Reading
Oct 292005

If the Spenser books are largely about the way in which the lead characters’ interior lives are hidden away, the Sunny Randall books (and Jesse Stone books, for that matter) are about revealing interior lives. Half of Melancholy Baby consists of Sunny’s sessions with special guest star Susan Silverman from the Spenser books–during therapy. I finished it on the airplane back from the AGC, when I wasn’t comatose.

The Sunny Randall books have never really clicked with me as much as the Spenser books; just as the Jesse Stone books can seem too bleak, the Sunny books seemed too facile, somehow. Sunny came across to me as Spenser in a skirt. That’s no longer the case. Parker is a very good writer, not just on the level of snappy dialogue (he’s one of the best dialogue writers I’ve seen) but in his most recent books, at characterization. While perhaps not up to the level of Gunman’s Rhapsody, this one, as with his last Spenser book, is digging deep and hitting hard in places. The overall effect is of a writer who has moved beyond series detective novels, and now uses genre as a skeleton on which to hang novels of character.

Rudy’s redux

 Posted by (Visited 6978 times)  Misc
Oct 292005

I walk up to the counter and say “this may seem strange, but…” They tell me that no, the meats won’t be done cooking until 10:30am. But they are doing breakfast tacos with the diced sausage from the day before. So I ask if I can get just the diced sausage, without the eggs and the tortillas, figuring something is better than nothing. The cashier says, “Hmm… sure, but we charge by the taco. Let me get the manager and see what we can do.”

The manager comes over, says in effect that this sort of thing happens all the time, and arranges for some of the sausages to be liberated early from cooking since they cook much faster than the other meats. So I ended up stuffing four full links (for non-Austin folks, a full link is around 9 inches long and 1 inch thick) into the cooler bag, then getting ice from the drinks machine. I forgot to get a fresh bottle of sauce though. Kristen and Elena had Rudy’s sausage for lunch once I got back, and they were happy. 🙂

At the airport, I ended up having breakfast with Eric Goldberg, whom I hadn’t gotten to really talk to during the conference, so that was nice.


 Posted by (Visited 25169 times)  Misc
Oct 292005

The thing my wife and kids wanted me to bring back from Austin? Rudy’s barbecue. Yes, the meat, not the sauce. They equipped me with a cooler bag, Ziploc bags to pack into it with ice, and orders for the brisket, the turkey, and of course, sausage links.

Last night I went by there as soon as I could, right after dinner. I was 40 minutes too late–they were closed.

This morning, my flight from Austin to San Diego is at 10:30am. It is 7:52 right now. I am checking out, driving up to Rudy’s in hopes that I can actually buy the regular meats when they open for breakfast at 8:30, then driving down to the airport. If they can’t sell me the meats, I intend to beg.