AGC: Bob Moore’s talk on avatars

 Posted by (Visited 6415 times)  Game talk
Nov 142005

This was my favorite talk at AGC, and Bob has posted it on the PlayOn blog.

  4 Responses to “AGC: Bob Moore’s talk on avatars”

  1. Blogroll Joel on Software Raph Koster Sunny Walker Thoughts for Now Sex, Lies and Advertising

  2. I get the feeling that some of what he says about avatars is a counter argument to the one you had about iconic avatars being easier to deal with.

    Filling in blanks with imagination tends to work quite well still, at least for me 🙂

  3. Iconic avatars includes iconic behaviors, to my mind; I don’t see any contradiction.

    Avatars that act like stiff dolls don’t convey the sort of fluidity that humans do.

    The iconic thing is usually traced back to Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics, where he has a wonderful diagram showing the empathetic level of various types of faces.

  4. Good point. I guess I’m trying to understand how to apply such mechanics to avatars without getting at best a shoddy representation of the players envisioned performance.

    Comparing speaking to a crowd of players in UO with EQ2. Some poor fellow will get stared to death in the latter, altho I believe few players pay attention to such detail in reality.

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