Snapshot by Linda Barnes
(Visited 5557 times)I finished Snapshot by Linda Barnes last night. I gotta wonder, why is it that female detectives in Boston must all be seeing a shrink and involved with a guy connected to the mob…
That said, good as the last Sunny Randall book was, there’s something gritty about the Carlotta Carlyle mysteries by Barnes that seems to capture the vibe of a decaying Boston much better. There’s a surprising number of mentions of how often cars get stolen, for example — and my memory of Boston is of seeing bicycle rims everywhere, still chained to bike racks, while the rest of the bike is missing.
I first tried this series out because the detective plays steel guitar (and in fact, that was the name of one of the books in the series)…
You know, I also have to wonder how many people are a bit taken aback by how many series detective novels I consume. 🙂 Well, the next book on my vacation stack is an Andrew Greeley generational saga, so we’ll see how all the game geeks cope with that…!
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