Two interesting posts at Only a Game

 Posted by (Visited 7873 times)  Game talk
Nov 272005

The Rituals of Alea and A Game Design Grammar. Just noting them, really. I think chance and randomness are incredibly important in games, but that they only do more than teach probability when they exist within a larger context; and that there’s alot of folks out there using the grammar metaphor right now and we need to pin down what we mean a bit better. 🙂

  2 Responses to “Two interesting posts at Only a Game”

  1. Blogroll Joel on Software Raph Koster Sunny Walker Thoughts for Now Sex, Lies and Advertising

  2. Bartle?s 5 most important folks in virtual worlds [IMG] Posted by Raph’s Website [HTML][XML][PERM] on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:12:38 +0000

  3. Raph – thanks for the trackback. The game design grammar really was throw away; I felt by expressing it in terms of categorial grammar I *was* pinning the idea down! 🙂 There’s no wider plan at work here on my part, though.

    I also want to apologise for not responding completely to all your earlier comments. The alea post is a partial reply to some of your questions; I’m sure I will get to the rest in time. But I’m trying to let my blog run organically instead of feeling obligated to it in any way… I hope that makes some kind of sense! 🙂

    Best wishes!

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