I’m on NPR tomorrow…

 Posted by (Visited 9584 times)  Game talk
Dec 062005

…On the show “On Point.” The main guest is Heather Chaplin, who co-authored Smartbomb : The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution, which I discussed a while back.

Alas, this is at 8:00am Pacific time, and they do it live. Ugh, I will be up really early tomorrow morning. I’m told I’ll only be on for about 20 minutes for part of the conversation.

Edit: you can now listen to the show via Windows Media or RealPlayer.

  14 Responses to “I’m on NPR tomorrow…”

  1. Blogroll Joel on SoftwareRaph Koster Sunny Walker Thoughts for Now Sex, Lies and Advertising

  2. I would _love_ to hear this, but being in Denmark I can’t exactly tune in. Will you have it recorded?

  3. I can’t make any guarantees, but looking at the show’s web page they do put up podcasts, and some other listening archives. I was able to subscribe to it (it’s free) through iTunes. Perhaps that would work for you, Michael?

  4. I loved Smartbomb. Great read and I’m actually writing a review of it for Gamergod.com atm.

    Hopefully I can grab a copy somewhere of the chat on NPR 🙂 I’m not sure of the podcasts always hit up everything… but I have iTunes for other podcasts so I guess I will try it out!

  5. Well, that was fun. 🙂

    There’s a webpage up for the specific show and I think you can download the podcast at some point.

  6. Guitar Hero thanks you for the plug!

    \m/ \m/

  7. Shhh, my kids don’t know we have it, it’s awaiting unveiling at Xmas. 😉

  8. Kickass, they’re even on Odeo. I couldn’t be more happy.

  9. Hey, that was fun today! Both Raph and I noted that it was all gamers calling in. Interesting. Although, I felt disappointed that we didn’t get deeper into subjects – it felt like we were just barely skimming the surface!

    I think Aaron is going to put a link to the show on our website as well – smartbomb.us

    and hey, heartless, I’m really glad you liked the book!!!


  10. No problem it was well written. Whats scary is I grabbed it at Dallas/Fort Worth airport and was damn tempted to track down Frank and see if he still worked at Chili’s in the airport!

  11. Heartless – that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! 🙂 seriously.

    actually, Frank left chili’s and was working for Fed Ex, I believe, before he dropped entirely off my radar. i’ve tried several times over the last couple years to track him down, to no avail…


  12. Hey I’m just a gamer and Smartbomb was really my frist complete game industry centered book I’ve read.

    Hope you enjoy my review… I’ll throw a link your way when it is put up.

    I just got done listening to the NPR also and its disapointing you two didn’t have more time to elaborate on some of the subjects. Good listen 🙂

  13. I just got through listening to it. It was very enjoyable. I laughed when the caller said his female avatar was accused of hitting on someone’s boyfriend. 🙂

  14. […] A few folks have noted that the On Point radio show host seemed to be rather interested in drawing analogies to theater, and in discussing games as story. This lays the groundwork for a nice little ludology vs. narratology discussion! I suspect the “games as games” versus “games as story” thing was too subtle for the show, though both Heather and I kept trying to steer the host away from his “it’s theater! No, it’s movies!” sort of approach. We may have overemphasized the opposite side because of that, with our constant references to games as models. […]

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