Where is everybody?

 Posted by (Visited 8409 times)  Misc
Dec 062005

Here’s this nifty tool. If you fill it in, we can see where everyone is who reads the blog. Gotta love those Google Maps hacks…!

  7 Responses to “Where is everybody?”

  1. Blogroll Joel on SoftwareRaph Koster Sunny Walker Thoughts for Now Sex, Lies and Advertising

  2. Five folks so far…

  3. Well, I don’t live there, but it’s near enough.

    (I guess my town is way, way too small)

  4. I’d add myself, but it doesn’t seem to recognize any cities from Norway.

  5. It doesn’t know Oslo??

  6. Doh. Yes it does – I just never noticed the popup that err.. popped up after typing in “Oslo”. 🙂 My fault.

  7. […] i saw this on koster’s blog. http://www.frappr.com/?a=myfrappr i’ve talked about this before.. the live journal effect. if this was meme’d correctly it could be the killer app to finally make it happen. damn it. i should of thought of this. and here is mine of course.. http://www.frappr.com/?a=myfrappr&id=161435 […]

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