Why Trauma Center rocks

 Posted by (Visited 11266 times)  Game talk
Dec 132005

“Daddy, can you hellllp me?” This would be my 8-year old daughter asking.

“With what?”

“With this game.

“C’mon, Elena, you know you should beat games yourself.”

“Yeah, but after I used the scalpel to make an incision, I couldn’t locate the tumors on the patient’s esophagus.”

“Fine, I’ll help you. What do I do again?”

“It’s just like the operation on the pancreas!”

“Uh… it’s been a few weeks since I did that. What do I do?”

“His vital signs are dropping! You need to use the ultrasound, daddy!”

“Oh right… like this?”

“Now, look! You killed him.”


“Now I’m going to have to do the operation over.”


“I bet you haven’t walked your Nintendog either.”

At least I didn’t do what Cory Doctorow did: he couldn’t figure it out, so he just slashed the poor patient’s chest to ribbons with the scalpel. I knew that Atkins diet could have side effects…

  5 Responses to “Why Trauma Center rocks”

  1. Blogroll Joel on Software Raph Koster Sunny Walker Thoughts for Now Sex, Lies and Advertising

  2. And who says Nintendo’s innovation makes developers make gimmicky games?

    Pffft… fun over sequelitis.

  3. hehe.. Funny enough I remember having a game very similiar to this back in High School. It was very very basic and poor graphics but you had to do an apendectomy. I was thrilled since I was pre-med. They never taught you much about what to do though other in a couple badly made 2d sketches. Poor patient never survived. I hope the new one is much better. šŸ˜‰

  4. isn’t this game only suitable for Teen 13+ ?


    well, I beated castle wolfenstein at 10 so…

  5. I played through all the levels that my daughter did before she got to play it. There wasn’t anything there that made me think it wasn’t suitable, aside possibly from the nurse outfits (which aren’t really beyond the pale of typical anime anyways).

    I’m completely comfortable with her using a scalpel to cut open someone’s esophagus in a game, the blood doesn’t seem to freak her out. šŸ˜‰

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