Apparently I’m syndicated on LiveJournal

 Posted by (Visited 11331 times)  Misc
Dec 302005

raphkoster_rss – Syndicated Account is the way to get to it, I think.

Though I must admit I have no idea how to do anything with LiveJournal.

Current readers: two. Whee! I have a ways to go to catch up to Neil Gaiman. 🙂

  12 Responses to “Apparently I’m syndicated on LiveJournal”

  1. As one of the two current readers on LiveJournal, hello Raph! (If anyone else wants to watch your blog over there, they can add it with that link.)

  2. I remember reading an article about someone who became angry that their site was being syndicated by Livejournal. If I recall correctly he made quite a fuss until he realized they were using his own public RSS feed. 🙂

  3. You also have two readers at raphkoster. *waves*

  4. You have 15 on bloglines. World domination is nigh.

  5. Maybe you begin work on creating that death ray, since you will soon have the world on their knees begging for mercry 🙂

  6. It seems to vary on bloglines if you put the www. on the front or not.

    I’ll be doing my monthly stats post tomorrow, but there’s over a thousand unique visitors every day, plus several thousand folks who have the site bookmarked. I have no idea what that means for actual readership.

    Kevin, you’re right, I guess I have FOUR LJers hanging out! Do people ever post comments over there? I hope not, if they do I’ll never see ’em… actually, no, I guess they’d be pinged back via Kramer, so I would see them after all, eventually.

  7. Hi Raph,
    speaking of RSS, can you turn full-text feeds back on please?
    You used to have a full text feed, and a week or two ago it turned into a partial-text feed.

    Can you bring the old one back? (there is a switch in the wordpress options). I usually read your stuff offline (on the train) and I can’t read the rest of the posts anymore :S


    Ian Tyrrell

  8. Whoops, sorry about that RodeoClown. I hadn’t mean to turn that option off. Must have hit the radio button by mistake at some point. Should be back on now, though!

  9. Thanks for that 🙂

  10. That’s pretty handy. I’ll add you to my list. 😉

  11. Heh. I never did look into syndicated feeds on Livejournal. You just popped up on mine.

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