I’m on NPR tomorrow…

 Posted by (Visited 9590 times)  Game talk
Dec 062005

…On the show “On Point.” The main guest is Heather Chaplin, who co-authored Smartbomb : The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution, which I discussed a while back.

Alas, this is at 8:00am Pacific time, and they do it live. Ugh, I will be up really early tomorrow morning. I’m told I’ll only be on for about 20 minutes for part of the conversation.

Edit: you can now listen to the show via Windows Media or RealPlayer.

Dec 052005

Maybe a better example would have been something like market success or how one can dispel things like “I hate this game and its basically broken and everyone who likes it is dumb”. Wisdom of the Crowds sort of says if millions of people like something, then maybe there’s something there to like.

— Darniaq, on his blog

I’ve been meaning to write broadly on the subject of “the future of content” for a while now. And a huge part of that topic is tied in with the question of “what is popularity, and what does it mean, anyway?” Darniaq’s throwaway comment, along with this post on the Long Tail blog gives me an excuse to dig a little bit at that.

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