Briefly noted: Planarity

 Posted by (Visited 5183 times)  Game talk
Jan 022006

Planarity is a very cool game. Your objective: to untangle the network so that no lines cross (e.g., create a planar graph).

  2 Responses to “Briefly noted: Planarity”

  1. Pretty fun, but man does it scale up quickly.

    I couldn’t help myself either when I read this line in the Changelog:

    Added the much-demanded-for skip level button. This lets you instantly play any level you want, but I wouldn’t suggest anything over 30 (don’t even try).

    That’s like telling me not to press the Red button. I took a look at level 40. Scary.

  2. And John Donham points me at Mono, which is totally different but a lot of fun.

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