Jan 062006

For the academic-minded among you, the first issue of Games and Culture is out. Some usual suspects from the MMOG research and serious games fronts including Cory Ondrejka of Second Life, Dmitri Williams, Constance Steinkuehler, Celia Pearce, Ian Bogost, Greg Lastowka, Jim Gee, Nick Yee, and Henry Lowood.

And A Theory of Fun is actually cited. Yay, more academic cred.

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Julian does Taxes

 Posted by (Visited 16621 times)  Game talk
Jan 052006

Legal Affairs has an article by Julian Dibbell entitled “Dragon Slayers or Tax Evaders?” in which he admits that he actually asked the IRS whether or not earning virtual currency in an MMORPG could be construed as taxable income on the grounds that it could be sold for real money.

He got back a non-binding “probably.”

All I can say is, Julian, please stop talking to the government.