No, I don’t play the piano…

 Posted by (Visited 27771 times)  Music
Jan 282006

…anymore, that is.

I took lessons for a while. In high school, I started out with keyboards, not guitar. It wasn’t until midway through my first year of college that I first picked up the guitar, which means that I have now been playing it for almost exactly 15 years.

While playing guitar, though, I did actually spend a semester taking piano. I did OK, I suppose, but I struggled in some ways. My hands aren’t very big — could barely reach a full octave with one hand. I have a childhood injury that left my right hand pinky and half of my ring finger numb, and the pinky in particular is lacking in agility.

I also took music theory and composition classes, which were heavily driven by the piano. And that’s where this came from.

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The future of virtual world commerce

 Posted by (Visited 11635 times)  Game talk
Jan 262006

This link popped up in a comment on the OGLE stuff, and it’s worth reading for the mercantile future it envisions for virtual spaces.

It may be quasi-dystopian (and it’ll certainly run into some issues regarding privacy and personal information) but it’s also highly plausible.