Where You Are

 Posted by (Visited 7260 times)  Misc
Jan 202006

We’ve crossed 100 readers on the Frappr map, so I thought a post to celebrate would be worthwhile. In fact, we’re at 106! Well, 105, because I think there’s one duplicate in there…

Notable facts revealed by the map:

  • Most of the readers are in the Eastern U.S. and Europe. This isn’t surprising given the language the blog is in, I suppose.
  • Some of you are clustered a bit. Likely candidates for “blog reader luncheons” are Chelmsford, UK, since Alice, Richard, and Darryl could all get there; somewhere between Manchester, Leeds, and Sheffield for the other UK folks except Jherad (he’s just out of luck, unless he wants to drive to London); the Los Angeles area; Austin TX; the DC area; the Seattle area; and small pockets in Michigan and Chicago.
  • Those of you in Australia are all really far apart from one another.
  • We have one guy in Russia, and he’s really lonely. Also one guy in Brazil. I’d sugget they get together, but’s a long hike followed by a long swim, then another long hike.
  • Bruno in Brazil is in fact really far away from everyone else.
  • Other places I never expected to have readers: Bulgaria; Turkey; Louisville, KY; and Broken Arrow, OK.

All in all, very cool. Of course, based on other web stats, there are folks in Austria, Spain, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Iceland, and so on who haven’t yet put themselves on the map. Around 11,900 of them, in fact.

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I’m giving a PARC Forum

 Posted by (Visited 4988 times)  Game talk
Jan 192006

Bob Moore over at PARC (and of the wonderful PlayOn project) invited me to give a PARC Forum. This of course tickles me pink, because PARC is the birthplace of so much of modern computing. I now feel a lot of pressure to give a good talk!

Details on the event can be read here. It is open to the public, so stop by! The time and place: January 26, 2006, 4:00 p.m., George E. Pake Auditorium, Palo Alto, CA , USA.

And this is what I will be talking about:
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24 Season 4

 Posted by (Visited 8370 times)  Watching
Jan 192006

So, I realize I am way way late to the party, but I am catching up on DVD. (And I haven’t finished yet, so avoid spoilers!)

Is it just me, or was this season full of way-over-the-top illegal ends-justify-the-means torture of American citizens who turned out to be innocent after all and then ended up with no recourse whatsoever?
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