
 Posted by (Visited 5698 times)  Misc
Jan 182006

Has anyone ever noticed that captchas (the thingies that make you type in a nonsense sequence of letters) can sometimes make great tools for alien-name generators?

I just got one that asked me to type in “Eerep.” I immediately conjured in my mind someone green, with flippers, nice big black eyes, rubbery skin…

(The image is one of my old doodles…)

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Iteration in games: a mini-rant

 Posted by (Visited 17763 times)  Game talk
Jan 172006

I saw this comment tossed off in a thread on Evil Avatar responding to the Moore’s Wall post.

That is the problem with Raph Koster’s ideas. No other entertainment media is iterative. Before a movie starts shooting, they have the entire film written, storyboarded, cast, locations rented, sets made, etc. Books have a complete story outline and usually a sample chapter written before getting a publisher’s go ahead. None of this is left to chance. . . none of it is left to a simulation.

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Jan 172006

Lost Garden: Creating a system of game play notation is a fairly direct application of music notation towards measuring gameplay flow. Interesting. I am guessing that DanC hasn’t seen my own Grammar of Gameplay” stuff.

There’s a group out there (they’re operating kinda quietly, so I don’t want to say who or where) that has elaborated the grammar-and-syntax idea to the point where they say they can actually spec out games with it. I am supposed to hear more sometime soon. 🙂