Saying this once, slowly and clearly
(Visited 8947 times)Recently there has been a rash of posts here about SWG and the NGE, and wishing for the pre-CU version of the game, and so on.
I understand and appreciate that some players want changes. I get your passion. I even feel proud and humbled at the same time that you show so much enthusiasm for work that I was involved in.
This is not the right place for those posts. This is my personal website. You may have noticed that I don’t put up SOE press releases either. It is easy enough to deduce the reasons why this is so. They are all fairly obvious reasons: professionalism, contractual obligations, blogging policies, company codes of conduct, and so on.
Comments will be locked on this thread, because this isn’t really up for discussion; it’s just how it is. If you like the blog, and enjoy the interactions, you need to realize that these are the parameters under which I write, and I hold myself to strict standards on these things.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled occasional acoustic music and sunday poems. Film at 11.
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[…] Press Releases: SOE’s blog is pretty lame, so Brenlo started his ownFeedback forum || Email [email protected] 02/07/2006 by JR “Razor” SutichNow you can check out Brenlo’s World, the latest claim to be staked out in the Blog Rush of the 21st Century. Now disgruntled SOE customers have another place to post how much EQ2 and SWG suck. Why would your Global Director of Community Relations need to start a blog anyway? The amount of hate flowing over the Internet right now towards Sony Online Entertainment is like a 1000-foot wave coming to Mardi Gras. It’s so bad, Raph Koster, who basically had nothing to do with the SWG NGE fiasco or EQ and EQ2’s problems, or Planetside’s shortcomings, or Matrix’s Online’s disappointments, had to make a post specifically telling people to leave the attitudes at the door when visiting his site. I love Raph, I think he’s a great guy and everytime I see him I make it a point to say hi. I just wish he didn’t work for SOE. Most of the people there are really nice, they just happen to be employed by a company with a reputation for less than stellar customer treatment. Speaking of customer treatment, has the Official SOE Blog been opened for comments yet? Didn’t think so. […]
[…] Originally posted by suskei say some of us vets should do something constructive and start a petition for koster to make a new sandbox mmo, and send it to his website. yeah, i know it will mean nothing, but it will let him know how many fans he has and we are waiting for him to kick out some more gold!! His name is Raph. […]