Second Life Escort Ratings
(Visited 18114 times)Feb 072006
For those worried that virtual spaces are under attack by real world pressures, hey, at least there’s still plenty of stuff that just won’t happen anywhere else! Such as this Second Life blog that reviews virtual prostitutes. NSFW, of course.
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I saw this on BoingBoing and my jaw dropped. I am so confused by the whole “virtual sex” thing as it is, this takes the cake. A little disclaimer: I have no misgivings about sex IRL and I’m even on the fence about the sale of sex (not my cup of tea, but whatever floats your boat). Virtual sex, “cyber” or whatever you call it is just (for now, anyway)unauthentic to the point that it’s creepy, imo. And virtual prostitution just takes it to the absurd: paying fake money for fake sex with a fake person. Oh, I know that SL $$ can be converted to real $$, but the johns are really getting ripped off here! =P
I suppose it’s like phone sex, or watching porn, but the mechanics of chat and controlling your character in games is so not fluid that the facade just crumbles. I suppose in a future where tactile/haptic mechanisms (neural implants?) come into play that virtual sex will not be so virtual and will “make sense” to me. And then I will be in the online brothels 24×7, I’m sure. Until then it all just kind of twists one eyebrow up a bit.
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I can see it being something people would pay for. Text-sex is something that’s been around a long time – there’s pleanty of erotic stories sans pictures out there, so taking it to text chat seems a logical step.
I’d be very surprised if cybering isn’t nearly as old as IRC, so the idea that people charge money for it seems a pretty natural evolution. People charge money for access to erotic stories or for live chat with pornstars – is this really that different?
I had the (mis)fortune to observe the development of a SMS-based (mobile phone text messages) dating service – which was, it turned out, frequently used by the customers as a erotic-text-chat service. SMS has to be one of the least friendly text interfaces out there – and yet people were obviously using it as a medium for virtual sex.
I guess if you can communicate with it, you can use it for sexual services. Makes you wonder whether anyone ever engaged in telegraph sex.
Sex sells, which isn’t anything new.
As chabuhi says: not my cup of tea, but whatever floats your boat.
I’d like to believe you Raph, but saying “there’s still plenty of stuff that just won’t happen anywhere else” just isn’t completely true. At you can enter your area code and find out ‘recommendations’ in your area…
And no, I’m not ‘personally familiar’ with that site, I just knew about it and thought I’d share…
Eww, gross.
At least they could give it some more thought.
Wow, there have always been people who TS (TinySex) in TinyMUSHes, but it is largely considered to be sufficiently embarassing that people don’t talk about it. (Hell, it’s sufficiently embarassing that almost nobody ever types out “TinySex.”) Oh, they’d accuse somebody else of being only interested in TS, or of being a TS-slut, or whatever, but that was considered to be very insulting (albeit often true). Who TSed and who didn’t and who they were TSing with tended to be open secrets, but you sure as hell wouldn’t post virtual ratings of anyone. Nonetheless, there were enough mishaps to make for some funny stories, at times. (For example, you might log into the game in your character’s bedroom, only to find your character’s husband having a lurid sex scene with somebody else. D’oh!)
Virtual avatar or chat based sex isn’t for everyone, but it’s definitely something worth paying for. It’s very hard to find skilled partners and so people will pay for the experience of chatting with someone who has the command of language and sensual imagination to really give good cyber. If you wonder why anyone would pay for it just imagine trying to pleasure your partner/spouse over the internet using only a chat application or an avatar-based world like Second Life. You will quickly see how much imagination, creativity, and communication skill is required and how the services of a professional might be enlightening to say the least 😀
Anyone who has MUD’ded much has to have at least a few humorous anecdotes about cybersex mistells. Other people’s mistells, of course. 🙂 And stories like this are nothing new — TSO makes this look somewhat tame.
I do think there’s a strong similarity with phone sex lines. The biggest difference being that both people are actively interested in the sex when cybering. What seems to be most important about either is getting sexual attention from another person. It seems like a big part of the sex line thing is the fantasy that you are talking to a gorgeous sex goddess, not someone who is about as attractive as you. Or more importantly, that a gorgeous sex goddess is talking to you and that she “wants” you. It’s powerful to think that you are attractive to another person, especially an attractive person, and to receive attention from them. People are able to create intimacy on the internet very quickly because they don’t have to meet in real life, don’t have to deal with real life problems, etc. To go from there to an exchange of sexual attention/fantasy is a pretty obvious next step.
Most of sex is in the mind, and that’s why you have phone sex, cybersex and TS (although if TinySex is for TinyMUSH, does that means that MMO has MassivelyMultiplayerSex? 😉 )
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