Happy Valentine’s Day, Kristen!

 Posted by (Visited 5829 times)  Misc
Feb 142006

I fly out for Atlanta this morning, which means that I had to be sneaky, and buy the roses and whatnot the day before, hide them in the car trunk, and then outwait her tonight so I could set them up on the desk after she went to bed. 🙂

  5 Responses to “Happy Valentine’s Day, Kristen!”

  1. Bet that was a good faction increase.

    Fancier than what I did for my gf. I just bought her some fancy hand carved crochet hooks she was lusting after. Sadly they arrived early and she intercepted the package but I made her promise not to open it and use them until today.

    Better early than late though. Late would have been bad.

  2. Sounds like typical “Tooth Fairy” duty. =)

  3. Heh.

    Did the exact same thing for wifey yesterday. Hid the chocolate under the seat of my car, and before she woke up, I set up a nice breakfast for her.

    Loved your book, by the way, Raph. Still trying to grok it.

  4. […] Comments […]

  5. Awwwwwwwwwwwww. That was sweet!

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