Open Thread #3
(Visited 16571 times)Sorry for no posts yesterday — we’re having a fun time around here at home… a combination of a diabetic kid and a stomach flu is tricky to manage; she can’t keep anything down, but we have to keep her blood sugars up, and then keep them down, and so on… without food, which is our usual main tool for pushing sugars up.
Anyway, you might have noticed the addition of the “other posts you might be interested in” thingie at the bottom of posts now, before the comments thread. That’s because I was too lazy to keep linking all of the disparate posts on single-player games manually.
One of the best things about having the blog is actually trying out all the insane plugins. 🙂 I’m thinking of retiring the display of “Popular Posts” though, because it has some really odd selections on it, that I think people are reading only because of the post title, and only because they are there. I thought maybe I’d replace it with a “Recommended Reading” section that we update manually. What do you think? And what should be in that section? I’d probably still keep the “View top 100 >>” thing though, because it’s near. Plus, it’s not officially part of the plugin anyway, Kristen hacked it in.
We’ve also been futzing with the layout. All you feed folks can’t see that, of course. But if you ever stop by for discussions, and the layout is bugging you, this is the thread to ask for changes…
I’ve had to add a few words to the spam filter, causing more posts to show up in the moderation queue rather than get posted immediately. Don’t be surprised if some of your innocuous posts seem to take longer to show up. We’re looking into installing a more robust spam filtering method too.
I do have notes on more stuff at Living Game Worlds on my laptop, so at some point, I’ll toss those up there. In particular, I wanted to talk about Juan Pablo Gnecco’s talk, which laid out 7 or so things that he saw as mandatory to gaming. One of them was that “games must be social.” Another was that “games must be ad supported.” Juan Pablo promised to send me a copy of his slides so I could do a write-up.
Anyway, open thread, so discuss quail-hunting or whatever.
9 Responses to “Open Thread #3”
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I have found a new obsession. Goodbye mmogs: hello Naruto. 😉
It’s an anime with a silly premise (pre-pubs training to be ninjas hehe) but I can’t stop watching. The episodes almost always end in a cliffhanger. Someone send help plz. 🙁
I hope your daughter is feeling better soon.
Oh and levels still suck.
Never really got into the Naruto anime, now the manga on the other hand ;). In general, I think I prefer to keep my anime more serious; manga, though, has more leeway.
Also pray that your daughter is better soon, Raph.
Naruto is a great anime IMO. But please, please tell me you’re watching the Japanese version. English dubs ftl.
Looking forward to more reading on Living Game Worlds, all very interesting stuff so far.
She’s much better already. She managed to keep down the applesauce we gave her for dinner, which is the first food she’s kept down since yesterday sometime.
I really think that many English dubs are quite decent. They are certainly better than they used to be.
Although the Disney dub of “Kiki” is quite different from the Japanese, it’s also very well done, for example, and stands on its own. “Mononoke,” not so much.
We just watched “House of Flying Daggers” (not anime, of course) in the dubbed version and midway through regretted not having gone for the subtitles…
What I really want is for the hyperbubbly “next time on!” chick to tone it down. It doesn’t seem to matter how serious or somber the series might be, she’s always pumped, and sounds like she just inhaled helium.
My daughter also had the stomach flu starting last thursday up until sunday. She wouldn’t eat and couldn’t keep anything down and I finally had to force her to take a pepto to calm her stomach and drink pedialyte. I caught an edge of it myself and we ended up telling my parents not to come visit like they had wanted to. ;/ We didn’t think it would be fun for us or them. Oh well.
I’m not saying all dubs are bad, there are even some shows I prefer in English (Evangelion, for example, simply because i’ve seen it too many times in English) but…Naruto’s dub is horrible. It’s also a matter of setting, for me at least. If the show’s got a futuristic setting, or its set in America or England, a dub probably won’t bother me, because the characters speaking English is believable. Compared to something set in feudal Japan, where a bunch of samurai speaking English really doesn’t work for me. Translating certain accents is also not something dubs do well IMO (Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi comes to mind, where the characters are from Osaka but talk like rednecks in the dub). But, it’s really a matter of preference.