My turn…

 Posted by (Visited 4984 times)  Misc
Feb 202006

…to get sick. 😛 Been knocked out since sometime yesterday, with a head cold or something — at leats it’s not the stomach flu version! All of us have been fighting it…

I wanted to write about Mirrormask, since I spent all night dreaming about it in that strange quasi-hallucinatory way you do when you’re ill, but I don’t feel up for sitting at the keyboard.

Now I am off to conquer the kingdoms of orange juice and their treacherous allies chicken soup. 😛

  3 Responses to “My turn…”

  1. I liked that film. I wrote up some reflections on it a while back, but I can’t seem to find it, so I’ll just say it was good and leave it at that.

  2. I’m sure the trip to (unusually cold and rainy) Atlanta last week didn’t help much.

    Thanks for speaking at the Game Worlds Symposium – I’ve been thinking about what you said about games being not only a medium of interaction between person and computer, but between person and person, and how solitary gaming is coming to (or should come to) an end. I realized that even the Final Fantasy games that I used to play were mainly enjoyable because of a community at school that connected through a shared interest around them. As soon as I left a place where gaming was a commonality, those single-player rpgs lost all of their charm.

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