Recently there has been a rash of posts here about SWG and the NGE, and wishing for the pre-CU version of the game, and so on.
I understand and appreciate that some players want changes. I get your passion. I even feel proud and humbled at the same time that you show so much enthusiasm for work that I was involved in.
This is not the right place for those posts. This is my personal website. You may have noticed that I don’t put up SOE press releases either. It is easy enough to deduce the reasons why this is so. They are all fairly obvious reasons: professionalism, contractual obligations, blogging policies, company codes of conduct, and so on.
Comments will be locked on this thread, because this isn’t really up for discussion; it’s just how it is. If you like the blog, and enjoy the interactions, you need to realize that these are the parameters under which I write, and I hold myself to strict standards on these things.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled occasional acoustic music and sunday poems. Film at 11.