Monthly report: January 2006

 Posted by (Visited 13607 times)  Open thread
Feb 012006

Two thousand and six! Whatta year. Another thirty-and-one days gone by, and naturally enough, that means another monthly report, chockablock with uninteresting statistics, reminiscences of days gone by so recently that you haven’t had time to forget them, and of course, everyone’s favorite: goofy search strings. Hold on to your hats, be they homburg or cloche…

In December, I reported that approximately 12,000 enlightened souls visited the blog. This month, I’m pleased to report that 19,500 presumably slightly-more-benighted ones did. On January 25th there were in fact almost 4800 visitors, thanks to Zonk Slashdotting a fairly inconsequential post. Generally speaking, though, the number of visits saw a healthy trend upwards, and for the latter half of the month ran in the mid-2000’s every day.

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Feb 012006

Paraglyph Press is telling me that A Theory of Fun for Game Design may be going back for a third printing soon. In the second printing, we corrected a few errors and added in reader reactions at the back. I haven’t heard of any further errors in the book, so I figured, why not open-source the task of finding them?

So if you know of any factual errors or things that should be corrected, please post a comment here!