Living Game Worlds day one

 Posted by (Visited 17520 times)  Game talk
Feb 152006

Lasy night, being up checking the web and writing about Bruce’s book at 2am meant that I barely woke up in time today to make it to our tour of the very cool stuff being done at Georgia Tech in the games, augmented reality, and interface areas. Boy, am I glad I woke up. Here, take a brief illustrated tour wih me — warning, a bunch of photos may make this slow to open.

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Have single-player games ever existed?

 Posted by (Visited 19560 times)  Game talk
Feb 152006

I promise this wil be the last post on this subject in a while…!

This made me wonder, Raph, how you define a single player game?

A game that is not played in opposition to, or in parallel with, or collaboratively with, someone else.

But I suspect that won’t be sufficient, because you will also need to understand my definitions of “game”, “played,” and “parallel.”
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Happy Valentine’s Day, Kristen!

 Posted by (Visited 5830 times)  Misc
Feb 142006

I fly out for Atlanta this morning, which means that I had to be sneaky, and buy the roses and whatnot the day before, hide them in the car trunk, and then outwait her tonight so I could set them up on the desk after she went to bed. 🙂