Living Game Worlds 2006

 Posted by (Visited 4992 times)  Game talk
Feb 132006

I am going to be at Living Game Worlds 2006 for the next few days. I fly out tomorrow around 1pm-ish, which means that I will miss Valentine’s Day evening with my wife. Grrr.

On the other hand, it means that I will be having lunch with Will Wright on Thursday. Sorry, Will, but not the best trade, in a lot of ways.

The discussions look like they will be interesting. I have not, of course, yet prepared my five-minute panel presentation.

In other news, today I received a DVD of the talk I gave via videoconference for Wharton on “creativity.” At some point, we can try to transcribe it too.

Is the shift to online a fad?

 Posted by (Visited 20043 times)  Game talk
Feb 122006

It’s been really interesting to me to see the number of folks who don’t get what I am saying about the way market trends are leading irreversibly away from the traditional single-player game. Many are focusing on the examples I used of current connectivity thinking that “chatting on a messageboard” is all I mean. But it’s not all I mean, not at all… that’s just the current manifestation of things.

One of the key things that everyone seems to react to is the notion that the experiences they can get fom single-player games cannot be had in MMORPGs. But this is a false notion. You can literally embed an entire single-player game — say, Half-Life 2 — in an MMORPG. That’s what instances ARE. Thus far instances have been used to mostly make multiplayter games that are highly similar to the main game, but that’s barely scratching the surface of what can be done.
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The Sunday Poem: Bridge Saddle

 Posted by (Visited 6411 times)  The Sunday Poem
Feb 122006

The bridge saddle is the piece of wood, ivory, or plastic that goes in the bridge on a guitar and holds the strings up away from the surface of the wood. It is easily removeable, usually 2-3 inches long, 1/8th of an inch wide, and 1 inch deep. It is also utterly necessary. The bridge is located directly under the soundhole, and holds one end of the strings firm.

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