Got an XBox 360

 Posted by (Visited 8257 times)  Game talk
Mar 172006

Finally, after using the web trackers and standalone store query apps. It only took about a week of looking hard.

My GamerTag is TheoryPenguin, by the way.

There’s a real dearth of games that my kids can play. 🙁 Me, I mostly want Live Arcade, and of course I’m waiting for Oblivion.

  18 Responses to “Got an XBox 360”

  1. Oblivion may temp me to break my standard disinterest in anything but an MMO. Besides, if they don’t come out with an MMO sometime in the future, giving me a desire to know about the games lore, I’d be surprised.

  2. I’m waiting for Oblivion and, especially, Titan Quest.

  3. Congratulations! I’m really surprised they’re still so hard to find. I managed to grab one just before new years, after hearing that most Best Buy stores were getting a new shipment in on a Thursday. I got to the store at 7 am and was 13th in line — luckily they received close to 100 boxes, all of which were sold within a matter of hours.

  4. I still find it funny how the Elderscrolls series has gone from the buggest game I ever loved (DaggerFall), to a game that looks like will be the best RPG made (Oblivion).

  5. Yeah, Xbox isn’t a kid’s console.

    I think the marketing wonks at Microsoft said, “The average gamer is between 20 and 30. Nintendo already has the kiddie market sewn up. We’ll make the most money with this product. Score!”

    I’m turning 30 in a couple weeks. Friends my age have far more gaming consoles than they have children. Is anyone else worried about the demographic future of America? And what sort of entertainment will be available to the few children we do seem to have?

  6. Haha, maybe we need a game called “Spousal Persuits”, with some real interaction to make everyone a winner. 😉

  7. A lot of the friends I mentioned are actually married.

  8. Yeah, and I know what you’re talking about. My wife and I decided from the beginning that we’d have two kids. So romantic, I know. Now, after the years have passed, I wonder why we let economics and some strange social environment thing affect us. I grew up in a house of 5 kids. And I sometimes now wish we’d had a housefull too. I still don’t understand it all completely, either then or now.

  9. Are those 360’s still hard to get? I stopped looking for one when I found out that Elder Scrolls was going to be on PC too. If the game is indeed as good as Bethesda claims, I fear that my MMO life will be put on hold for quite some time.

  10. Friends my age have far more gaming consoles than they have children.

    Dreamcast, XBox, PS2, Gamecube, second Dreamcast, XBox 360, Nintendo DS, three GBA SPs (one damaged), one GBA, one PSP, MAME emulator on PC, PC gaming rig, Atari 8 bit for nostalgia gaming.

    Two kids.

  11. Love to hear your thoughts on Arcade after you’ve played with it a bit.

    MAME on PC –> You really need to build a cabinet for this. Original controls make all the difference for this. I had to sell the one I built when I moved up to Seattle (less space) but really miss my arcade trackball for millipede & marble madness.

  12. LOL Raph, this is truely a sign “O” the times. I got a PS1, PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast, all the Nintendo’s, Sega CD, MAME generator on 1 PC, a Power gaming PC, my original Atari Pong game and my original Atari 2600 that I’ve had since the 70’s. The scary part is, I don’t have any children!

    When freinds or guest are over, I tell them they’re for my nephew 🙂

  13. Oh, I forgot the 2600. 😛

  14. heh whoever says Xbox 360 isnt for kids never saw Viva Pinata…. looks like Pokemon crossed with Animal Harvest. I havent personally went out and bought my xbox 360 yet but I know where a ton of them are stocked if I ever feel the need. ;p Got a friend who can get me the premium one for 300$.

  15. My gamer tag is, oddly enough, CDarklock.

    Game consoles? PS2, XBox, XBox 360, N64, and GameCube hooked up. Two PS1s, two more PS2s, an N64, a SNES, an NES, a Sega Genesis, a Mattel Intellivision, a ColecoVision, an Atari 5200, two VIC-20s, three C64s, a TI-99/4A, a TRS-80, and an Odyssey/2 shoved in boxes somewhere. Plus I’ve still got my first ever IBM PC, a PS/2 XT with 512K of memory and 10MB hard disk. Still runs, too, last I checked.

  16. Ah CDarlock, you bring back memories, My first Computor was a Commadore 64. When the the 386’s came out, I was in geek heaven! I’ll never forget hearing a rumor back in late late 80’s that Intel was coming out with a 486 chip… When they finally did, I built a “god like” putor with 32 Megs of Ram, and a 500KB Hard drive…

    Kind of makes me laugh now, cause I never actually filled that hard drive up. I guess “Escape from Monkey Island” did’nt take to much HD space.

  17. It’s becoming appearant to me just how serious of a problem a blackout can be. 🙂

  18. I will always buy the PC versions of Elder Scrolls games, so long as they ship with mod tools. Tinkering is irresistible.

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