Places I’ve been

 Posted by (Visited 17208 times)  Misc
Mar 182006

I’m doing pretty good on states:

Create your own visited states map.

I want one that does cities, though. I actually bought a big six foot map of the world to put pins in and trace ground travel routes on, but I have never hung it up.

Got a long way to go on countries though (I didn’t count stopovers, only stays which were a day long at least).

Create your own visited countries map.

  14 Responses to “Places I’ve been”

  1. My image looks similar, except I haven’t been to Washington or Oregon, and I’ve only been to one of the Great Lakes states. The only state I’ve been to that you haven’t is Utah. I wouldn’t recommend it, especially if you have to drive through it (there are stretches of over 130 miles with no rest stops or gas. So boring).

  2. Raph, come to Canada! We’re a warm and friendly country. Except during the 6 months of winter, when we are a *cold* and friendly country!

  3. Damn Raph you get around!

    the map you’ve got of the US reminds me of when I was a “Rock Star” in the 80’s. We started in Michigan and traveled to West Virginia, from there we traveled South hitting all the states on the way and then migrated West. The only states we did’nt play at going by your map was obviously the New England states and Washington.

    And I did notice you’ve never visited Canada. Why not? They are our quiet Northern neighbors that has spawned some of the best talent in the entertainment industry. Stop by and say hi.

  4. Damn, I forgot to say, if you do go to Canada tell Terry Draper and John Woloschuk to get they’re monkey asses back into the studio and put out another Klaatu album!

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Everybody wants me to go to Canada. I’e actually had the chance several times — it’s just never worked out. I’ve been asked to go to the Montreal game conference again this year…

  6. hmm, Dream Theater AND Raph in the same year in Montreal… That would be nice (only 4 more days till Dream Theater, can’t wait!)

  7. Love that site… wish I’d thought of it, especially since visiting all 50 states has been a minor goal of mine for decades.

    Between the annual road trips we took as a family in my youth, and my business travels as an adult, 38 out of 50 so far. Everyone has their own “rules”, I imagine: mine is, have to have spent at least one night in the state.

    Not too shabby, tho not having made it to DC yet has been disappointing.

    create your own visited states map

    (My international map is pathetic in comparison: U.S. and Canada. Someday…)

  8. Reminds me of a joke from the late Mitch Hedberg… “I bought a map and I’m going to put pins in all the places I’ve been. But first I’m going to have to travel to the top two corners of the map, so it won’t fall down.”

  9. Damn, I forgot Indiana. 😛

  10. Mine are here:

    I’m hoping to add New York and Japan sometime soon. I also want to hit Ireland, Spain, Germany, and Greece pretty bad. The US is decidedly boring.

  11. Do layovers count?

    (And Over00 — I am jealous. I’d love to see Dream Theater in concert.)

  12. Ah, never mind, I see you said you didn’t count stopovers. Okay, here are my maps:

    My mental map of the US has a few big unexplored sections labeled “Here There Be Cornfields,” “Here There Be Deserts,” and “Too Damn Cold.”

  13. I too would love to see Dream theater live, anyone know where they’re playing next?

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