Monthly Report: February 2006

 Posted by (Visited 31046 times)  Open thread
Mar 022006

Horrors! Another month has gone by, and that means that to my eternal dismay (well, actually, to my monthly dismay), it’s time for another stats-laden, quip-heavy, self-important report on how the site is doing!

Read on for a glimpse into the depravity of Internet searchers! Marvel at the increasing traffic and bandwidth bill! Be shocked by what posts people cared about! Visit our new exhibit on feed readers, and discover how feeds bite the hands that feed them, but feed on other things! All this and more, for the low, low price of a single clickthrough!

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The Healing Game

 Posted by (Visited 78557 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Mar 022006

Abalieno has a post up at the Cesspit about The “healer” role as a byproduct of the meta-game we played till today. In it, he argues that the traditional healer role that exists in the modern MMORPGs only exists to fill a need in the core combat game system; that it is, in other words, purely mechanical, and present merely as a formal system, not because it captures the spirit of healing in any way.

Which makes me think, rather of a game where healing is the core mechanic.

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Fixed the feed…

 Posted by (Visited 7440 times)  Misc
Mar 022006

For those of you who emailed me or posted about this: there was a bad character in one of the posts. It should be fixed now.